Presenters: Barbara Williams and Heather Williams
Date & Time: Saturday, January 9, 2021, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM MST
CEs: 3 CEs
This workshop provides an overview of how Barbara and Heather use the person centered approach in working with children. They will also describe the Kids’ Workshop™ that they developed. The Kids’ Workshop builds upon the principles of humanistic psychology, including Carl Rogers, Virginia Satir, and Virginia Axline. They will consider how the qualities of unconditional positive regard, trust, empathy, and congruence can be applied when working with children. Their philosophy is that children have these qualities within themselves when they are born and, with nurturing and support, they can express these qualities and keep them as they grow. Participants will engage in a variety of experiential activities that can be used with children in therapy and other contexts. The workshop will demonstrate how to work with children from different cultures around the world. It concludes with an opportunity for questions and discussion.
Barbara Williams, LSW, ACSW, has a background in psychotherapy, teaching and social work. She developed and is a facilitator of Kids’ Workshop™ and presents Kids’ Workshop facilitator training programs. She was a member of the California State Violence Prevention program with senator John Vasconcelos.
Heather Williams, BSW, facilitates Kids’ Workshops™ and Kids’ Workshop Training Programs and has a background in social work, art and photography. She specializes in work with adolescents.
Barbara and Heather have presented programs with the Navajo Nation and through the Person Centered Institute of Italy since 1995 and through the Person Centered Approach of France since 2003. They are on the staff of the Person Centered Institute of Italy. They have been approved by the minister of education in Italy. They have published a book with PCCS books about their work, Wisdom of Children, available on Amazon and other outlets.
Continuing Education Information
RMHCPA partners with Division 32 (Society for Humanistic Psychology to offer CE programs. Division 32 (Society for Humanistic Psychology) of the American Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 32 (Society for Humanistic Psychology) of the American Psychological Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content. For disability accommodations and more information on the CE offering, contact us at [email protected].
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