RMHCPA Building

Friday, August 14, 2023 the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association actualized its vision of purchasing a building, which is located at 1767 S. 8th Street in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This building will house 1) a clinic for uninsured and underinsured individuals that will train students interested in humanistic, existential, and transpersonal psychology, 2) the International Archives of Existential and Humanistic Psychology, 3) the International Archives of Transpersonal Psychology, 4) the Colorado School of Professional Psychology Archives, and 5) private practices of humanistic, existential, and transpersonal counselors, psychologists, and psychotherapists.

The RMHCPA building is visioned to be a home for many in the humanistic psychology movement locally, nationally, and internationally. Over time, RMHCPA is building a premiere library collection of existential, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology books to go along with the archives collections, which already includes donations from Tom Greening, Ilene Serlin, Steve Pritzker, Shelley Diamond, and Louis Hoffman. RMHCPA will have regular social and training events in the archives as well.

In the coming months, we are planning many events to welcome people into our new home, including a ribbon-cutting ceremony, an open house, continuing education workshops, and an extended annual conference with several workshops in the new building. Over the course of the year, we are planning to bring in many important leaders in the humanistic psychology movement to present at the building, including Kirk Schneider, Erik Craig, Theopia Jackson, Ilene Serlin, Brent Dean Robbins, and Ed Mendelowitz.

While this is a monumental moment for RMHCPA and a historical moment for humanistic, existential, and transpersonal psychology, Dr. Louis Hoffman notes that there is still work to be done. RMHCPA’s goal is to pay off the primary loan for the building within 3-years. If this can be accomplished, Dr. Hoffman believes this will assure that the RMHCPA building will remain a home for humanistic psychology well after the current board members are no longer around. To support this goal, RMHCPA is writing grants and continuing a building fundraising drive.

To follow updates on the RMHCPA building, you can follow RMHCPA on:

Here are a few pictures from closing day: