Click Here to Donate to our General Fund
Donations to the RMHCPA General fund go to pay for our general operations expenses, including HOA fees, insurance, utilities, building security, office supplies, supplies for RMHCPA events, cleaning, etc. Funds raised beyond our monthly and annual expenses go toward paying off RMHCPA’s building loans (Note: The RMHCPA Building was funding 100% by donations and private loans).
For donations over $1,000, we encourage you to mail a check payable to Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association (or RMHCPA) to RMHCPA, 1767 S. 8th Street, Suite 260, Colorado Springs, CO 80905. For major donations or estate planning, we encourage you to contact us at [email protected] or (855) 764-2721.
Recognition of RMHCPA Supporters
Bronze Level ($100-999)
Susan Cooper
Existential-Humanistic Northwest
Julia Falk
Francis Kaklauskas
Sue Mirkin
Murray Schneider (In Memorandum)
Aja’Dae Trent
H. Luis Vargas
Lisa Xochitl Vallejos
Justin Walmsley
Silver Level ($1,000-9,999)
Silver level donors have the option of listing an institutional affiliation and website. Their name will be included on a plaque at the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Institute.
KeyBank Foundation
Richard Bargdill
Nathaniel & Areta Granger
International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology
In Memory of Tupper & Susie Smith
Shawn Rubin
Kirk Schneider
Brittany Varisco
Gold Level ($10,000-49,000)
Gold level donors have the option of listing their affiliation and website. They will receive a plaque of recognition and be listed on a plaque at the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Institute.
Shelley Diamond
Louis & Heatherlyn Hoffman
Shawn Rubin, PsyD
Platinum Level ($50,000 or more)
Platinum level donors have the option of listing their affiliation and website. They will receive a recognition plaque and be listed on a plague at the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Institute. Additionally, they will have the option of working with RMHCPA to identify a branch or aspect of the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Institute that will be named in their honor.
Click Here to Donate
You can also support specific initiatives of RMHCPA:
- Building Fund
- Center for Humanistic and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (CHIP) Fund
- Archives and Administrative Suite Funds
- Student Scholarship Fund