Shawn Rubin, PsyD
Shawn Rubin, PsyD, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over twenty-five years of experience in clinical practice, academic contributions, and professional consultation and service. His clinical and community work is informed by extensive training in the depth psychologies of humanistic-existential psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis, and the social justice and liberation movements. He earned his doctorate from the Center for Humanistic Studies Graduate School in Detroit, Michigan (now the Michigan School of Psychology in Farmington Hills, Michigan) where he was mentored by Clark Moustakas, PhD, one of the original founders of the Humanistic movement in psychology. Dr. Rubin had the privilege of co-teaching with Dr. Moustakas and taught graduate courses based on his pioneering theories of relationship play therapy with children, the existential-phenomenological model of dream interpretation, and the heuristic model of qualitative research.
Through his collaborations with Kirk Schneider, PhD, the leading contemporary voice in humanistic-existential psychology, Dr. Rubin was invited to serve as Managing Editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology in 2005, and assumed the role of Editor in Chief in 2013 until 2020. He is a co-editor of Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice (APA Books) with David Cain and Kevin Keenan. He has also authored/co-authored several journal articles and book chapters, including chapters in Becoming an Existential-Humanitic Therapist (University Professors Press) and The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy (Wiley).
After serving consecutive terms as Member at Large (2009-15), Shawn served as President of the Executive Board of the Society for Humanistic Psychology (2016-17), Division 32 of the American Psychological Association. He continues to serve on the Awards Committee and as a Consultant to Presidents of the Society.
From 2011 to 2015, Dr. Rubin served as Executive Faculty at Saybrook University where he was appointed Chair of the School of Clinical Psychology and Program Director of the PsyD and PhD in Clinical Psychology. He was also Founder and Interim Program Director of the the vital Masters degree in Marriage & Family Therapy & Professional Clinical Counselor program at that institution. as well as Founder and Interim Program Director of the
For the past decade, Dr. Rubin has specialized in providing affirming therapy with transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents, and adults, their families and school systems. In 2023 he was recognized by the Fairfax County Public School Pride Community for his contributions to transgender children and teens. He serves as a Consultant for companies who are facilitating the transgender emergence of employees in the workplace and a Board member of the Transgender Education Association of Greater Washington, DC.
Since 2019, he has served as a Lead Mentor in the Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy Program at the California Institute for Integral Studies, and supporting the global psychedelic renaissance in mental health care and holistic healing and well-being. In his continued studies, Dr. Rubin is focusing his interests in the consciousness expansion disciplines of transpersonal psychology and parapsychology, erotic expansion through affirming Kink and BDSM dynamics, and support for evolving marital, relationship, and family constellations.