Introduction to Existential Humanistic Therapy


Existential-humanistic therapy is one of the most influential branches of the “Third Force of Psychology,” which emerged as an important influence in the 1950s and 1960s. Since this time, existential-humanistic therapy has maintained much of its historic roots while evolving with the changing realities of the world and new developments in the field of psychology. Existential-humanistic therapy, which includes the emergent existential-integrative approach, has gained renewed interest and influence in recent years. Leading outcome researcher Bruce Wampold (2008) noted that “An understanding of the principles of existential therapy is needed by all therapists, as it adds a perspective that might…form the basis of all effective therapies.” This workshop is facilitated by two leading figures in existential-humanistic therapy and provides an overview of its contemporary theory and practice, including considerations of evidence-based practice in psychology. This workshop is relevant to students looking to understand the foundations of existential-humanistic therapy, professionals desiring to integrate aspects of existential-humanistic therapy into their practice, and established existential-humanistic therapists seeking to learn about contemporary trends in the field.

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